Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yes Men

The yes men was really funny. i wasnt expecting that at all when i saw we were watching a feature about found footage. i would like to see the rest of it since we didnt get to finish watching it in class. their idea is absolutely genius. it blows my mind and is actually a bit terrifying that these guys go to conferences with people who run the world and the business gurus have no idea whats going on. they sit there and nod and except everything they hear. people email their fake website and invite them to meetings and everything!!

i was thinking about doing something like this for my found footage project but i decided i would do something im more passionate about. i am straight edge (drug/alcohol free) and i want to compile a bunch of video/image/sound of people acting like fools when they are on drugs or drunk to kind of point out how stupid the whole thing is. i know it wont change anyones mind but at least its something that show the reality of it all.

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